Rock Cliff Productions began to have a business established to complete work for a friend’s wedding.

My goal is to establish a storefront which offers multiple interactive photo displays for still photography and videography. I hope to establish this service and begin to grow my production company into a full-service content creation center.

I am committed to growing this business in Berkeley County. I have noticed an increasing amount of interactive photo studios in metropolitan areas, and firmly believe this type of business will be successful as more people are moving to our county.

What makes your business unique?

Currently, the closest type of business which offers this type of content creation is located over 30 miles away. I plan to implement different camera and printing options for guests to take advantage.

How will the prize money be used?

I have planned to open a studio should I earn the top prize money. Should I receive any other award, I will strategically invest the money into equipment to help make my dreams a reality.

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